
Thursday 18 August 2016

Sorry been AWOL

Hi Crafty Friends, Bloggers and Followers....sorry that I have been awol, have had a major problem with my 4 year old pc, had upgraded it to windows 10, a fortnight ago, it worked for about a week then after their latest update, it crashed :( ..... Had to buy docking station to retrieve all my files from my hard drive, well hubby and sons did!! Thankfully most were ok and now they have transferred everything on to a laptop, gosh you would think things would be straight forward, but there has been a lot of tweaking this and that to get it the way I'm used to!! Needless to say I'm back using windows 8, not going down that road again!!

My Poor PC 


  1. Glad your back with us heard a few people had problems backed might up onto a little portable before I did after reading a few horror stories but fingers crossed ok so far

  2. Hi Donna it is good to see you back. I am sorry you have had such a nightmare with your PC. They are great when they work and such trouble when they don't. Take care. Hugs Jackie
